Saturday, July 18, 2020

Make A Short Comic


If you have a story that you want to be drawn into a short comic then this is a gig for you.

1 page 6 panels (max)

1 panel should only have 1 - 2 figures per panel.

a figure is equal to human figure, background, and object.

Example of how many figures per panel;

  • 1 panel and 1 figure = 1 human figure or background/landscape or object
  • 1 panel and 2 figures = 1 human figure and background or 2 human figures or a human figure with 1 object 

I will need at least a written instruction that resembles a story.

I am skipping on doing colored version for now, I am still learning.

No more NSFW anymore, one of my gig got denied already.



Oh my gosh, I love it so much!


OMG it's perfect! Thank you so much. And the PSD is very helpful. I can play around with the balloons.

: : :

Make A Short Comic

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