Friday, July 10, 2020

Design A Mascot Cartoon Or Comic Character


1 cartoon character = 1 Gig

For 5$: basic colors, jpeg or png transparent file, size 1400x1400 pixels

For 10$: basic colors, jpeg or png transparent file, high resolution

For 20$: basic colors, vector file


Shadings for additional 5$

Commercial use license for additional 10$

Prices might be different from those written above in case of complex designs or special requests. For that reason please always contact me first to ensure that I can do the job before placing your order.

Generally, I give a pencil sample of your request before you order.



I like the artist's own judgement in creating the artwork. But I like the fact that he takes my recommendation, puts it to good use and comes up with a work of art. That we both love.


Every cartoon gifgeo does for me gets me thinking more... How to use his amazing talent... I wonder if he could do a comic script or graphic novel now that we have a character developed??? hint, hint


GIFGEO IS AMAZING! I have never had an artist that I could communicate with at a distance that understands what I want. It's like he can read my mind.... A giant talent!


George was great to work with. Very patient and willing to work with me back and forward until we had a design that satisfied my vision.


This is me second job with George. He is great to work with and is a top illustrator. I will be using him again.

Design A Mascot Cartoon Or Comic Character

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