Thursday, September 17, 2020

Create Manga Or Comic Page For You In My Style


Offering you quality manga/comic service :)

The beginning price is $40 for a 1-5 panels/page in black and white with Screen tone. $35 if you order more than 10 pages.

$60 for a 1-5 panels/page in color

$100+ for a 1-5 panels/page in Full-CG color: discuss it with me first before I can name the price. It will depends on the time I need to spend on the project.

All in standard A5 size. If bigger, there will be additional payment required. 

1 free revision.

For rights to commercial use, there will be a +10% of the overall price.

Please contact me first with the detail of your gig. If I agree to do it then you can pay and I'll start working. The length of time taken is 3 working days minimum and also depends on how much work I have at the time. 

Lastly. I promise you will get the outcome worth what you pay for!



She is a Avery hardworking artist, but need her time to do marvelous pieces, and is very patience despite last moment changes or perplexities on the final delivery. It was worth to wait and not rush her.


Incredible as always. Consistently great art work and a knack for story & flow! Such a pleasure to collaborate with.


Great work as always!


MY fav artist and on top of all of it


I'm so happy with her work!

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